HTML At a Glance

HTML At a Glance


2 min read

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HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used to write and organize material for the web. It is made up of a number of tags and characteristics that specify the organization and content of a webpage.

Simple text editors like Notepad, Visual Studio code or Sublime Text as well as more complex ones like Adobe Dreamweaver can be used to build HTML documents. The HTML document can be read in a web browser like Google Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer after it has been prepared.

Angle bracketed ( >) tags are used to separate sections of HTML pages. A tag's attributes can provide information about the tag itself or instructions on how the content should be displayed. For instance, the "src" attribute of the "img>" element, which inserts an image into a webpage, gives the URL of the image file.

Visual Studio Code and Chromo Browser are the most popular for beginners, they are the ones I also opted for my tech journey. The cornerstone of the web is HTML, which is combined with other web technologies like JavaScript and CSS to create dynamic and interactive webpages.

HTML is the main structure of any webpage and it defines how other programming Languages would be integrated to make it better, it could also be referred to the Skeletal part of a webpage with little or no beauty to it like CSS or Functionality Like JavaScript.